Here at Fair Dinkum Homes & Sheds we are proud to provide our customers with the highest quality materials and designs at an affordable price. For example: Compare our section sizes and gauges with our competitors, if their section sizes are not the same in the back wall as the internal portals you should ask why!
Fair Dinkum Homes & Sheds supply buildings for residential, rural,commercial and industrial applications including garages, carports, American and Quaker Barns, farm sheds, factories and office spaces.
Whether the application is for the home garage/workshop or for industry, we've got you covered.
All Fair Dinkum buildings are Designed and Certified to meet the New Zealand Building Code and relevant New Zealand Standards.
- Steel Connections Designed to Australian/New Zealand Standard(AS/NZS) 4100 and AS4600.
- Cold Formed Steel Members Designed to AS/NZS4600.
- All steel sections material is a minimum of 450MPa steel.
- Concrete designed to AS/NZS3600, and
- Various other specialised components design to relevant standards.
Optional Extras :: Vents - Windows - Skylights - Insulation - Fly screens - Partition walls - Fire rated walls - Security screens - Steel sliding doors - Glass sliding doors - Heavy-duty access doors - Barn style window (available with American barn or 22° roof pitch) - Remote control unit for roller doors - Super flow ventilators (whirly birds) - Additional roller doors for back and sides of buildings
- View your shed as you design using Multibuild software exclusive to Fair Dinkum Homes & Sheds
- Quickly & easily come up with a custom design best suited to you
- Instantly quote to the dollar your custom design
- Add and remove features of your design
- Certify your custom design in minutes
- Design from scratch or design an extension for your existing shed
With over 180,000 Buildings built in Australasia to this point you can have faith in the engineering and design conducted for your Fair Dinkum Shed.